Colgate® Sensitive Pro-Relief™ Toothpaste

Colgate® Sensitive Pro-Relief™ Toothpaste with Pro-Argin™ Technology is the first toothpaste that is clinically proven to provide instant & lasting relief from dentine hypersensitivity.


  • Product Characteristics

    • Unique Pro-Argin™ technology based on natural process of tubule occlusion
    • Helps block pain stimuli such as tactile, pressure and cold air
    • Clinical studies published in peer-reviewed journal
    • With 1450ppm fluoride as sodium monofluorphosphate
  • Product Benefits


    • Significantly greater sensitivity reduction with twice - daily brushing compared to control toothpaste with potassium ions
    • Instant relief when applied directly to the sensitive tooth with the fingertip and gently massaged for 1 minute
    • Can be used after the Colgate® Sensitive Pro-Relief™ Desensitizing Paste
    • Caries Prevention


    1 Nathoo S, et al, New Jersey Dental School, UMDNJ (2006), Data on file, Colgate-Palmolive Ltd

    2 Standard laboratory testing of dentine abrasion versus a leading soft manual toothbrush, Hefferen J, et al University of Kansas, (2006) Data on file, Colgate-Palmolive Ltd

    3 Standard laboratory testing of bristle stiffness versus a leading soft manual toothbrush, Data on file, Colgate-Palmolive Ltd

    4 Williams M et al (2004) Compend Contin Dent Educ, 25, 10 (Suppl 2), 22-27